Wednesday, April 23, 2008 

The Best Backpacking Food

Maybe your favorite backpacking food is a freeze-dried turkey dinner. There really is no best backpacking food. There are reasons to bring certain foods, though. Here are ten foods, and the reasons Yacht might want to consider them.

1. Nuts. This is one of the most calorie-packed foods you can take. That means less weight to carry. With lots of protein and other nutritonal benefits, nuts are one of the best backpacking foods.

2. Olive oil. Add a little to your soups or dip bread in it. The best of the oils health-wise, you can eat it before sleeping, to stay warm, because fats generate heat when digested.

3. Trail mixes. Any mix with raisins and nuts is great for backpacking. Vitamins, minerals, protein, and the best reason - convenience.

4. Corn products. Tortilla chips or corn nuts are convenient, and they don't seem to cause the tiredness that potato chips and other simple carbohydrates can cause.

5. Ramen noodles. When you need a hot meal fast, there isn't Crownline Boats that's better.

6. Instant coffee. A necessity for caffeine addicts, and it's good to have a stimulant available for emergencies.

7. Wild edible berries. Learn to identify a few, and you'll have a nutricious excuse for a break along the trail.

8. Instant sports drinks. Pour a little in your water bottle and shake. Replacing electrolytes doesn't get more convenient.

9. Instant refried beans. When you want sustained Cartop Kayak eat beans.

10. Your favorites. Having your favorite foods can help salvage a rainy backpacking trip spent in the tent.

Always consider the nature of the trip when you choose your backpacking food. Hot meals are much more important in cold climates, and convenience is king, if you want to make miles. A bottle of rum might even be appropriate, if it's a trip wih friends.

Steve Gillman is a long-time backpacker, and advocate of ultralight backpacking. His advice and stories can be found at thebackpackingsite > TheBackpackingSite


Sketch To Improve Your Bird Watching Skills

Read most guides on bird watching and you will be inundated with information on binoculars and photographing. With birding, sketching is a better way to go.

As you immerse yourself in bird watching, you will slowly but surely improve your observational skills. Different species will start to stand out as you get the hang of viewing bodies, bills, tails and other Wooden Kayaks characteristics. Simply viewing them or photographing them, however, only takes you so far. To become a master, you should start sketching your sightings.

Sketching is really one of the pillars of birding. That being said, it has fallen to the side a bit given modern technology and all it offers. Why take the time to sketch when you can use amazingly sophisticated cameras to capture the moment? Many have no answer, and go with cameras. There is nothing wrong with such an approach, but sketching is simply better. You may consider such a statement as a matter of opinion, but it is not.

The act of photographing something is ultimately a point and click situation. I do photographers a disservice with that statement because there is much more to it. Dinghy is an art and undeniably so. The art, however, has much more to do with lighting and proper framing than it does the subject itself. Sketching is just the opposite.

Sketching a bird is the single best way to improve your birding skills. Why? Well, think the process through. How do you go about sketching? There are many ways, but all involve one key element details. To sketch, you must take in the details of your sighting. Lighting and such really does not come into play. Instead, bill curvature, body type, wing shape, feather patters, tail displays and so on are all aspects you must focus on to complete your sketching. Inevitably, this forces you to focus on the finer point of the bird. The more you do this, the better you become at observing and recognizing. It is a simple fact.

So, what if you have never sketched before? As with most birding skills, it does not matter. I am not talking about the quality of your sketches. It is not the final product that matters. Instead, it is the act of focusing on the unique characteristics of your sighting and recognizing them as such. Jon Boats a surprisingly short while, your sketching will lead you to start distinguishing species with accuracy as well a giving you the ability to note variations.

Sketching may sound like a daunting task at first, but give it a try. You will be surprised at how quickly you pick it up and how fast your observational skills improve.

Rick Chapo is with NomadJournals - makers of bird watching journals that make nomadjournals /journals.cfm >unique gifts for birding enthusiasts.


Trekking on the Island of Santorini

A trip to Europe is always an exciting prospect, but if Canoe And Kayaking enjoy the great outdoors as well, you can enhance your European trip with some trekking Cobra Explorer Kayak the island of Santorini.

Santorini is one of the most famous of the Greek islands, a Mediterranean paradise that is visited by thousands of people each year. This island (actually, a small grouping of islands) Necky Kayaks once known as Kallisti - or, the most beautiful one, referring to its beauty in contrast to the other islands around it. Before this name was used, the name Thira was applied to this island, which had inhabitants as early as 3000 BC (Santorini Island is still occasionally known as Thira). All of this rich history means that Santorini Greece hiking is a great trip for those who are interested in ancient civilizations.

The island of Santorini is also well-known as being a volcanic island. Until around the year 1650 BC, Thira (as it was then known) was a relatively small island with a volcanic cone in the middle. At this time, a large eruption of the volcano caused the cone to sink, and changed the landscape of Santorini in one of the most violent volcanic eruptions ever seen in the Mediterranean. It is even thought that these eruptions caused the Minoan civilization on Crete to be killed, by the immense amount of dust.

The massive amounts of history, cultural backgrounds and geological sites on Santorini mean that hiking here can be interesting to many different types of people. It also means that depending on where you choose to hike, the terrain can be difficult to pass through. You can choose to hike through paved areas, such as the biggest city on Santorini, Fira. Here, you can see many remains of the ancient cultures of Greece, as well as the beautiful architecture and atmosphere of this modern day vacation spot.

If you chose to make your Santorini Greece hiking trip in the more rural areas of the island, you can travel to see the 700 foot high volcanic sea cliffs on Armeni Bay, or see Imerovigli village which sits on 1000 foot high volcanic cliffs. You can even take a tour boat from Santorini in order to hike around the still active island volcano of Nea Kameni. This volcano erupted as recently as 1956, and it is still considered a very dangerous spot to live around.

Traveling to Greece doesn't mean that your trip has to be all about food and drink there are plenty of other things to see and do. Santorini Greece hiking is some of the most interesting terrain to hike in the Greek Isles, and will definitely give you an interesting experience.

Nomad Travel Journals make nomadjournals /journals.cfm >unique gifts and are available at NomadJournals > NomadJournals


Swansea Attractions - What To See And Do When You Stay In Swansea

There are plenty of different kinds of Swansea attractions that one can enjoy during a visit Tracker Boats this city Whitewater Wales. As well as some medieval castles, you will find that there are plenty of parks and gardens that one can enjoy as well.

One such castle and which sits in the very heart of this city is Swansea Castle. Although it is now surrounded by more modern architecture it may be a little difficult to imagine what the area of would have looked like back then. Although the castle you see now was built in the 13th Century another was previously built in its place back in 1106.

But although the castle is now a ruin it is a wonderful place where you can while away a few hours on a pleasant sunny day. To further enhancement, your enjoyment on a visit to the castle why not take a picnic with you as well.

However, if you would like to do something that is a little more interesting during your time in Swansea make time to visit the Egypt Centre. This centre is to be found in Swansea University and houses a great collection of Egyptian archaeological pieces relating to this ancient civilization. The centre has been devised to try and help bring to the life what ancient Egypt and the people who lived there were like.

But if you would prefer to be doing something a little more exciting then take a trip out to Horton Beach. This is a very clean and sandy Lowe Boats which is favoured by water sports enthusiasts, especially surfers and windsurfers. But along with these water sports, one can enjoy snorkelling, wakeboarding and kayaking, plus you may even want to give kite boarding a go whilst you are there.

However, it is important to remember that there is only a lifeguard facility on the beach during the summer months. Plus you will also find that there are shops, cafes and toilets close by. But again, if you are visiting during the off-season not all of these may be open.

Another place that one should visit during your time in l Swansea is the Market, which is one of the largest indoor ones to be found in Wales. Here you will find more than 100 stalls selling a variety of different of different Welsh foods. From local cheeses and breads, you will find that there is meat and fish that has only been caught early that morning. But along with the food, stalls there are stalls selling local crafts, which would make superb presents for friends and family back home.

As you can see from above there are plenty of Swansea attractions to keep you amused during your stay in the city. So you may find that a couple of days there is not enough time to see everything that you want.

Find your l Swansea hotel from this list of l Swansea accommodation .